First-Quarter Grants 2016

Value-Based Care & Patient Engagement

Capital Link, Inc.  $200,000

Building the Capacity of California Community Health Centers to Improve Financial and Operational Performance for Long-Term Sustainability.

OneOC  $100,000

Seeding Integrative Health Practices in Orange County’s Community Health Centers.

Project HOPE – The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc. $350,000

Support for California Health Policy Research.

Care Integration

Community Health Partnership, Inc.  $125,000

Spreading the Adoption of Electronic Consultation in the Safety Net.

Contra Costa Regional Medical Center  $100,000

Spreading the Adoption of Electronic Consultation in the Safety Net.

Los Angeles County Department of Health Services  $149,000

Spreading the Adoption of Electronic Consultation in the Safety Net.

Public Health Institute  $142,474

Advancing Policy Options that support the Sustainability and Spread of Electronic Consultation.

California Pan-Ethnic Health Network  $125,000

Advancing a Collective Behavioral-Health Equity Agenda.

Family Assistance Program  $110,000

Advancing Health and Domestic Violence Service Integration Through Community-Based Collaboration to Prevent Domestic Violence. 

The Children’s Clinic, Serving Children and Their Families  $115,000

Advancing Health and Domestic Vioence Service Integration Through Community-Based Collaboration to Prevent Domestic Violence.

General Operating Support

Women’s Community Clinic  $20,000

Community Health Center Core Support. 

Northern California Grantmakers  $100,000

Harnessing the Power of Northern California’s Philanthropic Community.

Emerging Opportunities

National Academy of Sciences  $200,000

Housing, Health, and Homelessness: Evaluating the Evidence.