Fourth-Quarter Grants 2015

Promoting Value-Based Care in the Safety Net ($1,694,999)

Drug Medi-Cal Waiver Implementation

California Pan-Ethnic Health Network $420,018  -  Integrating Community Assets and Recovery Equity Initiative South

California Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions $399,351  -  Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System Statewide Collaborative Learning Statewide

California Primary Care Association $100,758  -  Strengthening the Role of California FQHCs in the Behavioral Health Continuum Statewide

Community Recovery Resources $225,000  -  Developing an Evaluation Framework for Integrated Substance Use Disorder Treatment North

Research & Policy 

Community Partners $150,000 -  Cross-System Data Sharing to Advance Value-Based Care Statewide

Public Health Institute $224,872  - Core Metrics Pilot Test Central

Tides Center $175,000  - California Health Report Statewide


Enhancing Service Integration for Health Care and Domestic Violence ($1,993,660)

Behavioral Health Integration

California Consortium for Urban Indian Health, Inc. $100,000  - Advancing a Culturally-Relevant Integrated Behavioral Health Model Statewide

Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc. $168,702  - Advancing Behavioral Health Integration in Medi-Cal Statewide

Inland Empire Health Plan $100,000  - Testing and Disseminating Practice Innovations in Behavioral Health Integration South

Connecting Healthcare & Domestic Violence Systems

Center for Community Solutions $125,000  - Advancing Health and DV Service Integration Through Community-Based Collaboration to Prevent DV South

East Los Angeles Women's Center $110,000 - Advancing Health and DV Service Integration Through Community-Based Collaboration to Prevent DV Los Angeles

Family Health Centers of San Diego, Inc. $125,000 - Advancing Health and DV Service Integration Through Community-Based Collaboration to Prevent DV South

Jenesse Center, Inc. $125,000 - Advancing Health and DV Service Integration Through Community-Based Collaboration to Prevent DV  Los Angeles

Lake Family Resource Center $108,000 - Advancing Health and DV Service Integration Through Community-Based Collaboration to Prevent DV  North

North East Medical Services $116,000 - Advancing Health and DV Service Integration Through Community-Based Collaboration to Prevent DV San Francisco Bay Area

STAND! For Families Free of Violence $108,000  - Advancing Health and DV Service Integration Through Community-Based Collaboration to Prevent DV San Francisco Bay Area

W.E.A.V.E., Inc. $108,000 - Advancing Health and DV Service Integration Through Community-Based Collaboration to Prevent DV Sacramento Valley

YWCA of San Gabriel Valley $125,000  - Advancing Health and DV Service Integration Through Community-Based Collaboration to Prevent DV  Los Angeles

Electronic Consultation & Referal (eConsult) 

Kern Medical Center $100,000 - Care Integration 2015: Spreading Adoption of Electronic Consultation in the Safety Net Central

Local Initiative Health Authority for Los Angeles County $125,000 - eManagement Program for Behavioral Health in the Safety Net Los Angeles

San Joaquin General Hospital $100,000  - Care Integration 2015: Spreading Adoption of Electronic Consultation in the Safety Net Central

Research & Policy 

National Health Law Program $100,000  - Advancing State and Local Strategies to Improve Access to Coverage and Care for Low-Income Patients

University of Southern California $149,958  - Center for Health Journalism  Statewide


Advancing Patient- and Survivor-Centered Practices ($1,429,264)

Improving Survivor-Centered Approaches in the Domestic Violence Field

Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence $150,000 - Defining and Testing a Survivor-Centered Framework in the DV Field Statewide

Joyful Heart Foundation $300,000 - Evaluation of the Joyful Heart Survivor Retreat Model Statewide

Safe Alternatives to Violent Environments, Inc. $150,000 - SAVE Domestic Violence Survivor Advisory Committee San Francisco Bay Area

Enhancing Patient Engagement in the Healthcare Safety Net

Institute for Healthcare Communication Inc $157,550  - Everyone Deserves Excellent C.A.R.E. Statewide

The Regents of the University of California, Berkeley $66,718  - A Systematic Review of Tools and Measures to Support Patient Engagement in Safety Net Settings National

The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco $249,996 - Disseminating Models for Practice-Level Patient Engagement in the Safety Net Statewide 

San Francisco Public Health Foundation $125,000 -  Delivering on a Promise - Informed Action to Keep Patients at the Heart of the Safety Net San Francisco Bay Area

Tides Center $230,000 - Reimagined Care Challenge Statewide


Strengthening Systems of Support for Survivors of Domestic Violence ($1,415,000)

Enhancing Cultural Responsiveness  

Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence $250,000 - Gathering Strength: Investing in the Leadership of Asian Pacific Islander Immigrant and Refugee Communities Statewide

Korean American Family Services, Inc. $250,000  - Strengthening the Korean Faith-Community Partnership Project Network Los Angeles

Mujeres Unidas y Activas $250,000  - Sanando el Alma Healing the Soul San Francisco Bay Area

New Approaches to Address & Prevent Domestic Violence

Contra Costa Family Justice Center Alliance $150,000 - Community Fellows Program San Francisco Bay Area

Peace Over Violence $350,000  - Evaluation of the Trauma Resiliency Integration Using Multiple Pathways to Healing (TRIUMPH) Model Statewide

PolicyLink $150,000  - Building a Policy Framework that Engages Boys and Men of Color Leadership to End DV Statewide

Riverside County Coalition for Alternatives to Domestic Violence $15,000  - 2015 Blue Shield Against Violence (BSAV) Core Support South


Promoting Access to Care for the Remaining Uninsured ($213,262)

National Health Law Program $118,000 - Advancing State and Local Strategies to Improve Access to Coverage and Care for Low-Income Patients Statewide

The Regents of the University of California, Berkeley $95,262 - Remaining Uninsured in California: Regional Projections Statewide


Emerging Opportunities ($883,712)

Spreading & Scaling Innovation

The Aspen Institute $200,000  - A National Conversation on How to Sustain, Scale, and Spread Healthcare Innovation National

The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco $350,000  - Growing Innovation in the Safety Net: Strategies to Foster Scale and Spread of Transformed Care Statewide

New Partnerships   

Children Now $50,000 - Leveraging Home Visiting to Better Identify and Address Domestic Violence in California Statewide

Sierra Health Foundation Center for Health Program Management $283,712  - San Joaquin Valley Health Fund Central
