A Road Map for Ending Domestic Violence in California: A Life Course Approach to Prevention

Date published: January, 2021 (36 pages)
Text image: a road map for ending domestic violence in California

The COVID-19 pandemic also has clearly shown us that structural racism undergirds our systems and our institutions contributing to violence, including domestic violence, and widespread inequities. We have seen how Black and Latino people are getting sick and dying of COVID-19 at higher rates than whites. Embedded racism and societal barriers in health care, child welfare, housing, education, criminal justice and our finance systems, as well as discrimination within workplaces, have placed them at a greater risk of harm.

Futures Without Violence knows from decades of study and research what works to prevent domestic violence and has developed this Road Map for California policy makers, state agencies, philanthropic organizations, community-based organizations, and advocates on how best to prevent and end domestic violence in the state. By focusing on existing programs, redirecting funds to promote public health and prevention, and leveraging federal resources, California can continue to lead the nation in preventing and ending family violence.