Learning Page: eConsult

eConsult Learning & Resources
To improve the way that California’s safety net providers coordinate care for their patients, the Foundation provides funding for innovative solutions like electronic consultations & referalls (eConsult). This delivery system innovation is helping to reduce wait times and unnecessary appointments, while also strengthening relationships between physicians and enabling them to more effectively and efficiently meet the healthcare needs of low-income families and individuals across the state.
With Foundation support, San Francisco and Los Angeles Counties have already implemented and extended successful eConsult initiatives, and are demonstrating impact at scale. Based on this success, the Foundation has expanded its grantmaking to support seven of California’s counties in their efforts to increase access to specialty care and further Triple Aim outcomes through the use of eConsult. Since 2013, the Foundation has invested $2.9 million to this end.
The resources below aim to provide grantees with additional learning and tools to further their work around eConsult in California.
>> OVERVIEW << What grantees are doing – a summary of efforts being led by systems and organizations throughout the state. >> WEBINARS << Background, Conceptual Framework, and Early Successes September 2015 - Led by Community Partners, UCSF Center for Excellence in Primary Care, Blue Shield of California Foundation, and the Center for Innovation in Access & Quality Market Scan and Vendor Profiles January 2016 - Led by BluePath Health, Blue Shield of California Foundation, and the California Healthcare Foundation Spreading the Adoption of eConsult in California’s Healthcare Safety Net March 2016 - Led by Blue Shield of California Foundation, UCSF/SFGH, California Health Care Safety Net Institute, BluePath Health, and the Center for Connected Health Policy
Optimizing Engagement in eConsult – Patients, Providers, Plans May 2016 - Led by Blue Shield of California Foundation, UCSF Center for Excellence in Primary Care, Center for Innovation in Access & Quality, Center for Connected Health Policy, and BluePath Health >> RESOURCES <<
>> IMPLEMENTATION << Assessing Readiness, Planning for Implementation, and Scaling Up:
Evaluating Impact: >> TOOLKIT << *Note: The following are the most up-to-date resources available, but may not be aligned with current practices. Workflow & Examples:
Templates: System-Specific Practices:
Job Descriptions: >> CASE STUDIES << San Francisco:
Los Angeles County:
University of California, Los Angeles: >> ARTICLES << Political Landscape:
Clinical landscape:
Technical Landscape: