Blue Shield Against Violence Q-1 Grants

Blue Shield Against Violence Quarter 1 Grants

Center for Domestic Peace ($300,000): To support the second phase of a financial consolidation business model that will expand services to up to eight new domestic violence organizations who will receive custom financial services at every level of financial management, based on individual organizational need.

National Family Justice Center Alliance ($400,000): To strengthen Family Justice Center capacity in California to better serve and be held accountable to survivor needs and self-defined successes.

Full Frame Initiative, Inc. ($400,000): To implement a capacity-building institute for cohorts of practitioners, policymakers and survivors from three CA communities to use strengths-based strategies and new tools to develop and implement community-specific change efforts that will make systems' response to violence more survivor-centered.

Futures Without Violence ($400,000): To change policy and practice to ensure that a whole-person approach incorporates prevention of violence, identification of those experiencing violence and links to healing services to improve health equity and outcomes.

Prevention Institute ($80,000): To conduct a landscape scan and produce a report that will include a framework for multi-sector collaboration to prevent DV in California, and a summary of preliminary findings and recommendations for engaging new sectors in DV prevention in California in partnership with the DV field.
