Leveraging Collaboration to End Domestic Violence 2018 Grantees

From our blog post on Leveraging Collaboration to End Domestic Violence:
Through this opportunity, the Foundation aimed to:
- Better understand how collaboration can more effectively address complex issues like domestic violence;
- Learn what it takes to convince other sectors to engage around an issue that is still often considered “private” but has a profound impact on multiple parts of a community; and
- Build an evidence base for collaboration as a promising approach to preventing domestic violence.
Partners: Casa Familiar, San Ysidro Health, San Diego Family Justice Center, Legal Aid Society of San Diego, & Teatro Mascara Magica
The project will provide support for a multisector alliance that brings together domestic violence providers, healthcare providers, an affordable housing developer, community and faith-based groups, businesses, schools, law enforcement, governmental entities, artists groups, and survivors to work together to identify and address the complex, interconnected personal, familial, and systemic causes of domestic violence in San Ysidro. The community of San Ysidro is located at the southernmost part of the city of San Diego. Through this proposal, South Bay Community Services will leverage its strong experience in leading community-based collaboratives to convene this diverse collaborative to draw attention to and address a host of factors driving domestic violence in this community.
The project will provide support for a multisector alliance that brings together domestic violence providers, healthcare providers, an affordable housing developer, community and faith-based groups, businesses, schools, law enforcement, governmental entities, artists groups, and survivors to work together to identify and address the complex, interconnected personal, familial, and systemic causes of domestic violence in San Ysidro. The community of San Ysidro is located at the southernmost part of the city of San Diego. Through this proposal, South Bay Community Services will leverage its strong experience in leading community-based collaboratives to convene this diverse collaborative to draw attention to and address a host of factors driving domestic violence in this community.
Partners: Sacramento Children’s Home, South Sacramento Christian Center, Adele James Consulting, Kaiser Permanente-- Trauma Outreach Program Team, Rose Family Creative Empowerment
This project will support a multisector collaborative that will examine the root causes of sexual and domestic violence while taking an integrative approach that considers both prevention and intervention strategies and is responsive to the needs of the African American community in South Sacramento. To accomplish this, WEAVE Incorporated will bring together providers, stakeholders and multisector community members to collaborate towards a culturally responsive action plan to break the cycle of domestic violence. The initial focus will be on leveraging and integrating knowledge, resources and relationships of the partner organizations and engaging affected populations and stakeholders. The collaborative will also use Participatory Action Research, an inquiry process that includes critical thinking, gathering information, analysis and logical problem solving while building networks and strengthening community voices, as a means of providing community members, especially youth, with the skills to research and present strategies and solutions for addressing community challenges.
This project will support a multisector collaborative that will examine the root causes of sexual and domestic violence while taking an integrative approach that considers both prevention and intervention strategies and is responsive to the needs of the African American community in South Sacramento. To accomplish this, WEAVE Incorporated will bring together providers, stakeholders and multisector community members to collaborate towards a culturally responsive action plan to break the cycle of domestic violence. The initial focus will be on leveraging and integrating knowledge, resources and relationships of the partner organizations and engaging affected populations and stakeholders. The collaborative will also use Participatory Action Research, an inquiry process that includes critical thinking, gathering information, analysis and logical problem solving while building networks and strengthening community voices, as a means of providing community members, especially youth, with the skills to research and present strategies and solutions for addressing community challenges.
Partners: California Hmong Advocates Network, Bridging Our Future & Hmong Innovating Politics
The project will enable two organizations, the California Hmong Advocates Network (CHAN) and Bridging Our Future (BOF), to create the CHAN-BOF Peace Collaborative, a multisector collaborative that will engage cultural leaders, faith leaders, youth, families, survivors, media, and advocacy organizations to implement community-specific prevention strategies that challenge and change harmful gender norms and promote healthy relationships within the Hmong community in California.
The project will enable two organizations, the California Hmong Advocates Network (CHAN) and Bridging Our Future (BOF), to create the CHAN-BOF Peace Collaborative, a multisector collaborative that will engage cultural leaders, faith leaders, youth, families, survivors, media, and advocacy organizations to implement community-specific prevention strategies that challenge and change harmful gender norms and promote healthy relationships within the Hmong community in California.
Partners: BAYCAT, Department on the Status of Women, Safe & Sound, & Young Community Developers
The project will convene partners from multiple sectors, including government, workforce development, media, social services, business, housing, healthcare, and education, to create the Bayview Anti-Abuse Coalition (BAAC). The new coalition will involve community members impacted by domestic violence, foster a shared understanding of community determinants of intimate partner violence, and then engage in systems-level change strategies to break the cycle of violence through norms and policy change in the Bayview District of San Francisco.
The project will convene partners from multiple sectors, including government, workforce development, media, social services, business, housing, healthcare, and education, to create the Bayview Anti-Abuse Coalition (BAAC). The new coalition will involve community members impacted by domestic violence, foster a shared understanding of community determinants of intimate partner violence, and then engage in systems-level change strategies to break the cycle of violence through norms and policy change in the Bayview District of San Francisco.
Partners: Bay Area Legal Aid, Community Violence Solutions, Contra Costa Superior Court, District Attorney's Office, Employment and Human Services Department, Family Justice Center, Probation Department, Richmond Police Department, STAND! for Families Free of Violence, Contra Costa Office of Education, Contra Costa Health Services Department, & Office of the Public Defender
The project will partner with the Contra Costa Alliance to End Abuse (the “Alliance”). The Alliance has a strong track record of bringing together domestic violence services and criminal justice to collaborate to improve access; however, the collaborative has since made a shift in policy priorities to focus on prevention, risk assessment and whole person care. With this funding, the Alliance will enhance their multisector collaborative to fill critical gaps in domestic violence prevention by engaging new partners or deepening relationships with existing partners in other sectors.
The project will partner with the Contra Costa Alliance to End Abuse (the “Alliance”). The Alliance has a strong track record of bringing together domestic violence services and criminal justice to collaborate to improve access; however, the collaborative has since made a shift in policy priorities to focus on prevention, risk assessment and whole person care. With this funding, the Alliance will enhance their multisector collaborative to fill critical gaps in domestic violence prevention by engaging new partners or deepening relationships with existing partners in other sectors.
Partners: First 5 Tehama, First 5 Butte County, Trinity County Office of Education, County of Glenn Health and Human Services Agency, County of Shasta Health and Human Service Agency, First 5 Trinity County, & Trinity County Health and Human Services
The project will support the far north counties of Butte, Glenn, Shasta, Tehama and Trinity through a multi-county initiative, the Northern ACE Collaborative, to develop meaningful policy changes that address the factors that contribute to domestic violence and adverse childhood experiences. The collaborative will utilize the Theory U framework to guide its’ development, starting with building a common intention and understanding of the work, and mapping the current systems, opportunities, and gaps. This mapping will result in a common understanding of the key social determinants of violence and those that can be best addressed through the collaborative.
The project will support the far north counties of Butte, Glenn, Shasta, Tehama and Trinity through a multi-county initiative, the Northern ACE Collaborative, to develop meaningful policy changes that address the factors that contribute to domestic violence and adverse childhood experiences. The collaborative will utilize the Theory U framework to guide its’ development, starting with building a common intention and understanding of the work, and mapping the current systems, opportunities, and gaps. This mapping will result in a common understanding of the key social determinants of violence and those that can be best addressed through the collaborative.
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