Expanding Collaborative Capacity to Prevent Domestic Violence

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In order to sustainably transform the health and safety of communities, collaborations must have their eye on the long game, towards prevention. To do so, collaborations must involve multiple players who can make change in their own sectors and across systems.
As part of our Collaborating for Healthy Communities initiative, Blue Shield of California Foundation is pleased to announce a new funding opportunity in conjunction with our grantee Prevention Institute, titled: “Expanding Collaborative Capacity to Prevent Domestic Violence.”
Prevention Institute will award one-year (November 2018-October 2019) planning and capacity-building grants of $50,000 to five well-established, multisector collaboratives that see value in integrating a focus on domestic violence prevention into their work, yet do not explicitly focus on domestic violence prevention at this time. The five collaboratives will build on their strengths and engage in collective dialogue, planning, and capacity building to intentionally integrate community-level domestic violence prevention into their local work as a shared outcome.
The application period has closed.
Please direct any questions to: abena [at] preventioninstitute.org
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