There’s value in sharing insights and ideas along the way. Dig into our blog to read about the impact we’re seeing today, and the ideas that we hope will spark a change that helps move all of our work further forward.

Peter Long, Ph.D.

As I read the news each day, I find new resolve to continue pushing further forward in our mission. I’m also reminded just how much we will have to work together in response to legislative and...

Peter Long, Ph.D.

This quarter, we continued to build upon our Act Now grantmaking to help meet the immediate needs of Californians affected by recent changes at the federal level. We also took time to consider not...

Peter Long, Ph.D.

Given the results of the recent election, we don’t yet know what changes we will encounter on the road ahead. What we do know is that our mission has not changed, and our resolve remains undiminished...

Peter Long, Ph.D.

Warm summer weather often takes me to the pool to swim laps. While I have accepted that I will not be the next Katie Ledecky, the quiet of the pool and the rhythm of a freestyle stroke help me to do...

Peter Long, Ph.D.

I recently had the opportunity to travel to Cuba for an educational trip with my fellow board members at Grantmakers in Health and the Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba (MEDICC). I was thrilled...

Peter Long, Ph.D.

“Innovation” is an increasingly ubiquitous term in health care that can mean many things to different people and organizations. The current and continuing surge in health innovation reflects a hunger...

Peter Long, Ph.D.

We’ve begun the third year of implementing our Foundation’s strategic plan, which is designed to transform California’s safety net and domestic violence systems to improve the health and wellbeing of...

Peter Long, Ph.D.

As I look back at a very busy and successful year for the Foundation, what stands out in my memory is not an exciting event or convening, not even new research or a critical piece of legislation...

Peter Long, Ph.D.

" end domestic violence." I read these words often in our mission statement, and frequently share them with policymakers, journalists, grantees, and others. Yet, in my day-to-day work, amidst...

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