Prevention Institute Report: An Overview of the SAFE (Sectors Acting For Equity) Approach

Date published: October, 2019 (14 pages)
Illustration of two people


Prevention Institute, in partnership with representatives from multiple sectors, including domestic violence prevention advocates and researchers, have developed SAFE (Sectors Acting For Equity), a health equity and multisector approach to domestic violence prevention. Through this project Prevention Institute is working with leaders at the state and local levels to address the underlying determinants of domestic violence and build community environments that support safe relationships.

This brief summarizes and expands on a more extensive research and practice report, A Health Equity and Multisector Approach to Preventing Domestic Violence. In this brief we outline five key elements of the SAFE approach: 1) health equity and social justice, 2) underlying contributors, 3) community resilience, 4) multiple sectors and social movements, and 5) prevention and healing. We include examples of communities who are applying these elements in their efforts to prevent domestic violence