Safety Net
Our safety net grants are unrestricted funds that offer flexibility to respond to new opportunities and address challenges so that organizations can be responsive to California communities.

Moving Forward in Uncertain Times: A Scenario Planning Guide and Toolkit for California Clinics and Health Centers
July 31, 2017This toolkit, supported by Blue Shield of California Foundation, aims to support community health centers as they...

2015 – 2016 Community Health Center Core Support Initiative: Field Overview
June 6, 2017The Foundation awards core operating grants to community health centers (CHCs) across California to support their...

The Importance of Data Sharing to Support Integration of Substance Use Treatment in California’s Medi-Cal Program
May 23, 2017This brief, supported by Blue Shield of California Foundation, highlights the experiences of two California counties--San...

Mental Health Services in Medi-Cal
May 18, 2017This issue brief from the National Health Law Program, and supported by Blue Shield of California Foundation,...

Recommendations for the Use of eConsult in San Diego's Healthcare Safety Net
September 16, 2016To understand and address current gaps in specialty care access for low-income patients in San Diego, the Foundation...

The Remaining Uninsured in California’s Rural and Smaller Counties: CMSP’s Pilot Projects and Where to Go from Here
August 24, 2016
An Opportunity for Whole-Person Care in California's Healthcare Safety Net
April 18, 2016Produced by John Snow, Inc. this report investigates what is necessary to develop effective county-level, safety-...

Expanding Access through Team Care Program: Final Evaluation Report
April 5, 2016In June 2014, Blue Shield of California Foundation (BSCF) launched the Expanding Access through Team Care (EATC) Program...

Who Had Medi-Cal and Who Remained Uninsured in the First Year of ACA Expansion?
March 31, 2016This brief compares adults who were enrolled in Medi-Cal with adults who were income-eligible for Medi-Cal coverage but...

2014-2015 Core Support Initiative: Behavioral Healthcare Focus
March 30, 2016Core operating support provides community health centers with the flexible funds to respond to new challenges while...