At Blue Shield of California Foundation, we believe that multiple systems are a part of the story of domestic violence, and therefore a part of its prevention.

Domestic violence prevention: it's everyone's job
June 5, 2024Debbie Chang, president and CEO of the Foundation, writes about how innovative strategies at both the national and local levels can help prevent domestic violence and create safer communities.

Changing the conversation about domestic violence
October 3, 2022A behind-the-scenes look at our campaign to shift perceptions.

Centering the lived experience for domestic violence prevention
September 23, 2022Learn how Reimagine Lab’s leaders brought the program's results to life at the recent 2022 National Coalition Against Domestic Violence conference in St. Louis.

Three factors determine readiness to address domestic violence prevention
March 18, 2022After working for two years with multisector collaborations that take on domestic violence, Program Officer TC Duong shares what the Foundation is learning about the factors that influence their success. "These findings create a blueprint for prioritizing collaborations that are ready to make the biggest impact," he says.

To end domestic violence, work across generations
December 17, 2021Program Manager Hilary Smith met with Time for Change Foundation’s Executive Director Vanessa Perez and Founder Kim Carter to discuss the power of community-level, two-generation practices in breaking the cycle of domestic violence.

Martha's Health and Healing
October 21, 2021At Blue Shield of California Foundation, we believe that multiple systems are a part of the story of domestic violence,...
Eyes on the Future: Reimagine Lab A Human-Centered Design Playbook of Best Practices and Lessons from Three Years of Reimagining Domestic Violence Prevention
April 19, 2021Reimagine Lab was a three-year program where 16 fellows passionate about preventing cycles of family and domestic...
Radical Visions of Safety for Girls by Girls
February 11, 2021This report represents a step by Alliance for Girls to ensure that the voices, beliefs, and experiences of girls and...
A Road Map for Ending Domestic Violence in California: A Life Course Approach to Prevention
February 10, 2021The COVID-19 pandemic also has clearly shown us that structural racism undergirds our systems and our...
Beyond the Crisis: A Long-Term Approach to Reduce, Prevent, and Recover from Intimate Partner Violence
February 10, 2021