Break the Cycle of Domestic Violence
Violence is cyclical, generational, and can be experienced and felt over an individual’s lifetime. We’re working to prevent domestic violence, which takes a multigenerational approach.

2024: The year in numbers
March 24, 2025In 2024, Blue Shield of California Foundation awarded 99 grants totaling over $17 million to organizations that are working to build lasting and equitable solutions to make California the healthiest state and end domestic violence.

Listening to lead: how community researchers transform solutions
December 27, 2024Blue Shield of California Foundation prioritizes community researchers to create solutions that reflect real needs.

Beyond blind removal: color consciousness and anti-racism in Los Angeles County child welfare
August 23, 2024This report highlights the frequency with which allegations of domestic violence cause a family to be reported to the child welfare system and documents the harms caused to those families and the children themselves when the children are put into foster care.

The cost of intimate partner violence in California
July 11, 2024Nearly half of all women in California have faced intimate partner violence, with a shocking economic burden of $73.7 billion annually. This impacts us all, emotionally and financially.

How California's Department of Social Services can better serve survivors
May 20, 2024This report, based on listening sessions with survivors of domestic violence, includes several recommendations for California's Department of Social Services.

Leaders unite to share community-driven solutions for children and families
February 23, 2024Reflections on recent funding opportunities, policy successes, and innovations that address and prevent childhood trauma in California.

A conversation with poet Natalie Patterson
February 14, 2024Natalie Patterson, a poet and leader with BEAM (Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective), talks with Blue Shield of California Foundation about her work.
2023: The year in numbers
January 31, 2024In 2023, Blue Shield of California Foundation awarded 70 grants totaling over $17 million to organizations that are working to build lasting and equitable solutions to make California the healthiest state and end domestic violence.
Toward Safety: Understanding Intimate Partner Violence and Homelessness
January 25, 2024To better understand the experiences of survivors of IPV who are experiencing homelessness, the UCSF Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative analyzed data related to IPV in the California Statewide Study of People Experiencing Homelessness (CASPEH).

Community-driven learning: Contributions of multigenerational approaches for the prevention of domestic violence
August 23, 2023This report is a summary of key findings from a three-year initiative to build evidence for multigenerational, culturally...