Our Strategy
We support lasting and equitable solutions to make California the healthiest state and end domestic violence. When we work together to remove the barriers to health and well-being, especially for Californians most affected, we can create a more just and equitable future.

Listening to lead: how community researchers transform solutions
December 27, 2024Blue Shield of California Foundation prioritizes community researchers to create solutions that reflect real needs.

Domestic violence prevention: it's everyone's job
June 5, 2024Debbie Chang, president and CEO of the Foundation, writes about how innovative strategies at both the national and local levels can help prevent domestic violence and create safer communities.

Changing the conversation about domestic violence
October 3, 2022A behind-the-scenes look at our campaign to shift perceptions.

How power-building brings California closer to health equity
April 25, 2022Why does a funder focused on health equity and domestic violence invest in power-building? And what does power-building...

Lina's Story: Supporting immigrant child care training in San Diego
March 11, 2022The STEPS program is a 14-week technical assistance program where participants learn about child development, understand bookkeeping and taxes, expand digital literacy, and market themselves.

Bold goals, refined strategy: Foundation takes new approaches to fulfilling its mission
September 10, 2021The Foundation recently updated its priorities with three new multidisciplinary tracks to turn California into the healthiest state and end domestic violence.

The Year of Taking a Stand
January 28, 2020If I were to pick a theme for 2020, it would be the year of taking a stand. We can say with confidence that our world,...

A Breakthrough Idea After a Break-In: Can restorative justice help communities "make it right"?
November 8, 2019On a sunny day in the Bay, I walk up to my apartment door and think about how I’m looking forward to spending some time...

Two Years into Our Journey: Lessons in listening and humility
October 10, 2019What started out two years ago as a simple “strategic plan refresh” quickly became a completely new direction for Blue...

Will the Movement Doctors please stand up?
September 27, 2019I grew up in Grand Blanc, a small town just outside of Flint, epicenter of the Flint Water Crisis and birthplace of...