Our Strategy
We support lasting and equitable solutions to make California the healthiest state and end domestic violence. When we work together to remove the barriers to health and well-being, especially for Californians most affected, we can create a more just and equitable future.
2016: The Year in Numbers
January 28, 2017In 2016, Blue Shield of California Foundation awarded $29.6 million to organizations that provide affordable, effective...
Affordability and Eligibility Barriers Remain for California’s Uninsured
March 31, 2016Using data from the 2014 California Health Interview Survey, this brief examines the reasons thar Californians remain...
2015: The Year in Numbers
December 11, 2015In 2015, Blue Shield of California Foundation awarded $30.8 million to advance health equity and prevent and address...
2014: The Year in Numbers
December 16, 2014In 2014, Blue Shield of California Foundation awarded 481 grants totalling $31.8 million to organizations that provide...
Strengthening Engagement with Low-Income Latino Patients
March 12, 2014Latinos account for more than half of California’s uninsured population and are the majority ethnic group among all low-...
2013: The Year in Numbers
January 15, 2014A visual representation of the Foundation's 2013 giving....
New strategy, same mission
June 27, 2013We understand that creating real impact doesn’t happen by chance. So, over the past year, we worked with our Board and...