Imperial County ACH: Case Study

The Funders Forum on Accountable Health conducted ten case studies of different accountable health models to better understand the key implementation challenges and opportunities they face. Accountable Communities for Health (ACH) are community-based partnerships formed across sectors to focus on a shared vision and responsibility for the health of the community. They pursue an integrated approach to health that focuses not only on the clinical setting, but also on how the broader community can support health care’s “Triple Aim” of better care for individuals, better health for populations, and lower health care costs.
The Funders Forum interviewed leadership from ten ACH sites in order to better understand the various approaches to governance structure, portfolio of interventions, investments in technology, funding sustainability strategies, and anticipated short- and long-term outcomes of their ACH efforts. The purpose of this report is to provide an in-depth overview of the Imperial County Accountable Community for Health of southern California.