JSI Report: From Resilience to Response: Understanding Domestic Violence Survivors’ Needs and Strategies That Could Support Them

Date published: June, 2020 (13 pages)

This brief highlights findings from research with California DV survivors regarding systems changes necessary to better support survivors through their journeys. Recommendations follow for opportunities in the form of policies, strategies, and practices for health care stakeholders—such as leaders, policy makers, and philanthropy—to consider as a way to strengthen provider response, lessen harm, enable safety, and strengthen families. In 2018–2019, in collaboration with DV service providers and Futures Without Violence, JSI researchers conducted in-depth interviews with survivors to better understand three areas: 1) survivors’ experiences navigating services provided by different sectors; 2) survivors’ unique needs, aspirations, and challenges; and 3) survivors’ suggestions for program and policy changes.
