Behavioral Health
Our behavioral health initiative was part of the Foundation’s work focused on integrating mental and behavioral health sectors to prevent poor health and violence.

Bridging the Gap Between Behavioral and Primary Health Care for Low-Income Patients
June 26, 2015Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.

A Ten-Step Guide to Behavioral Health Integration
June 12, 2015A series of recommendations to help community health centers keep pace with the future of integrated behavioral...

Frequently Asked Questions on Behavioral Healthcare Integration
June 12, 2015Questions were submitted by attendees of the May 13, 2015 Webinar “Exploring Low-Income Californians’ Needs and...

Exploring Low-Income Californians' Needs and Preferences for Behavioral Health Care
March 17, 2015With new and extended benefits under Medi-Cal, more low-income patients are seeking behavioral health and substance abuse...

Addressing Behavioral Health
September 16, 2014Behavioral health encompasses a range of conditions that affect mental and emotional wellbeing. From substance abuse to...

Opportunities for Whole-Person Care in California
September 11, 2014Building upon an earlier report commissioned by the Foundation and led by John Snow, Inc., this white paper identifies...

It Takes a Village: Treating Tragedy at its Source
June 10, 2014Hearing the recent news about the tragic shootings in Isla Vista - which took the lives of seven young people - sparked...