Our legacy projects show what the Foundation has learned along the way and how we’ve continued to adapt and refine our strategic focus in order to meet our communities where they need us most.

Advancing Local Healthcare Solutions for California’s Remaining Uninsured
September 14, 2016This paper aims to highlight the opportunity for California's counties to demonstrate leadership in addressing the...

The Remaining Uninsured in California’s Rural and Smaller Counties: CMSP’s Pilot Projects and Where to Go from Here
August 24, 2016
Investing in People to Build State Medicaid Capacity
July 12, 2016This profile, produced by the Center for Health Care Strategies, examines the rationale behind California's ...

Ready, Set, Enroll - May 2016 Update
May 12, 2016

Affordability and Eligibility Barriers Remain for California’s Uninsured
March 31, 2016Using data from the 2014 California Health Interview Survey, this brief examines the reasons thar Californians remain...

2014-2015 Core Support Initiative: Field Overview
March 30, 2016The Foundation awards core operating grants to safety net organizations across California to support their capacity to...

eConsult: Considerations for implementation in California’s healthcare safety net
March 15, 2016 We worked with the UCLA Institute for Innovation in Health to bring together healthcare systems with existing eConsult programs to share their experiences and discuss readiness, development, management, and evaluation.
November 2015 Update: Ready, Set, Enroll
December 7, 2015This report, by Pacific Health Consulting Group, is an update to the September 2013 report, "Ready, Set, Enroll:...

FAQs - Mobile & Web Technologies for Patient Engagement
September 14, 2015Based on questions asked during our August 26 Webinar, this FAQ was completed by experts in the field who are leading...