Align Systems with Community Priorities
Communities understand their needs and strengths best. Supporting them to have more say in which issues get addressed is the best way to build lasting, more equitable solutions to health disparities, domestic violence, or any other societal issue.

Cultural Competency in California's Domestic Violence Field
March 23, 2012This report, prepared for Blue Shield of California Foundation by RDP Consulting, explores how a cultural competency...

The Power of Partnerships: Insights from Leaders
March 23, 2012A Case Study: YWCA Sonoma County and West County Community Services
In January 2012, the YWCA...

Navigating a New Course: A Domestic Violence Organization Steers Towards a More Sustainable Future
February 7, 2012Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF) profiles the Center for Community Solutions, a Blue Shield Against Violence grantee, as a...

The Power of Partnership
January 30, 2012There is a growing awareness among domestic violence organizations about the power of integrative partnerships. A barrier...

Building a Healthier San Francisco: Increasing Access to Health Care by Building Ties Between San Francisco Employers and Safety Net Clinics
March 19, 2010By Peter Harbage. A special report sponsored by Blue Shield of California Foundation.
As policymakers consider how...