Align Systems with Community Priorities
Communities understand their needs and strengths best. Supporting them to have more say in which issues get addressed is the best way to build lasting, more equitable solutions to health disparities, domestic violence, or any other societal issue.

Supporting the Integration of Community Health Workers into Health Care Teams in California
July 17, 2017Community health workers (CHWs) and promotores de salud areplaying an increasingly important role in the delivery of high...

The Impact of Core Operating Funds on Health Centers' Ability to Address Domestic Violence
June 6, 2017Consistent screenings, standardized assessment instruments, and trainings for healthcare providers are essential first...

Improving Mental Health Services Integration in Medi-Cal: Strategies for Consideration
June 6, 2017This paper, supported by Blue Shield of California Foundation, describes some of the ...

Developing a Trauma- and Resilience-Focused Accountable Community for Health
May 25, 2017There is increasing awareness of the interplay between an individual’s socioeconomic and environmental circumstances and...

The Impact of Domestic Violence on our Healthcare System
September 20, 2016This infographic illuminates the cost and detrimental effects of domestic violence on our healthcare system and its implications for achieving Triple Aim goals

Recommendations for the Use of eConsult in San Diego's Healthcare Safety Net
September 16, 2016To understand and address current gaps in specialty care access for low-income patients in San Diego, the Foundation...

Collaboration for Integrated Services and Systems Change
June 1, 2016This report provides new learning from cross-sector partnerships across California, as well as case studies from...

Expanding Access through Team Care Program: Final Evaluation Report
April 5, 2016In June 2014, Blue Shield of California Foundation (BSCF) launched the Expanding Access through Team Care (EATC) Program...

2014-2015 Core Support Initiative: Domestic Violence Focus
March 30, 2016By creating new access points for screening and services, and enlisting new partners within the healthcare safety net,...

Engaging the Healthcare System to End Domestic Violence
March 15, 2016By training healthcare providers and enlisting new partners within the safety net, we are...