Policy developments help further us on the path to ending domestic violence and making California the healthiest state.

Increased Service Use Following Medicaid Expansion Is Mostly Temporary: Evidence from California’s Low Income Health Program
October 20, 2014This policy brief from the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research addresses concerns about increasing costs to state...

Opportunities for Whole-Person Care in California
September 11, 2014Building upon an earlier report commissioned by the Foundation and led by John Snow, Inc., this white paper identifies...

The Uninsured at the Starting Line in California California: Findings from the 2013 Kaiser Survey of Low-Income Americans and the ACA
July 8, 2014This report, based on findings from the 2013 Kaiser Survey of Low-Income Americans and the ACA, provides a snapshot of...

Realizing the Dream for Californians Eligible for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals: Demographics and Health Coverage
February 27, 2014This study, produced by the UC Berkeley Labor Center, the UCSF Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies, and the...

February 2014 Update: Ready, Set, Enroll: Community Health Center Strategies to Facilitate Enrollment of Uninsured Patients into Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act
February 11, 2014This report, by Pacific Health Consulting Group, is an update to the September 2013 report, Ready, Set, Enroll: Community...

Taking Innovation to Scale: Community Health Workers, Promotores, and the Triple Aim
December 13, 2013This study, produced by the California Health Workforce Alliance, provides a statewide assessment of the roles and...

Leveraging Community Health Workers within California’s State Innovation Model: Background, Options and Considerations
July 13, 2013This policy brief, commissioned by the California State Innovation Model (CalSIM) team of the California Health and Human...

Issue Brief: Preventing Violence in the Homes of Military Families
June 8, 2013This issue brief summarizes what Blue Shield of California Foundation has learned about violence in the homes of military...

After Millions of Californians Gain Health Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act, Who Will Remain Uninsured?
September 25, 2012This report, prepared by the the UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education and the UCLA Center for Health...

Unsung Heros - Military Families After Ten Years of War
February 28, 2012Until the recently, domestic violence (DV) among military veterans has been an under-investigated issue. Blue Shield of...