Policy developments help further us on the path to ending domestic violence and making California the healthiest state.
Beyond the Crisis: A Long-Term Approach to Reduce, Prevent, and Recover from Intimate Partner Violence
February 10, 2021

Investing in Health: A Bold and Pragmatic Federal Action Plan
January 22, 2021COVID-19 has exposed and intensified long-standing problems in our country, including deep cracks in the U.S. health system and racial and economic injustice.
Investing in Health: A Federal Action Plan
January 18, 2021In the wake of a pandemic that has pushed our health care system to its limits, crippled the economy, and brought into...

California Must Lead the Fight to End Domestic Violence
December 30, 2019Our recent life course analysis lifts up promising and proven practices that should be spread and scaled with greater investment.

How a Census Undercount Could Affect the Health of Californians
October 3, 2019This article originally appereared in Blue Shield of California's ...

Promoting Health Advocacy in Domestic Violence Programs
October 10, 2018Promoting Health Advocacy in Domestic Violence Programs: this brief outlines the value and importance of health advocacy...

Integrating Community Level Intimate Partner Violence Prevention in Community Health Assessments and Community Health Improvement Plans
October 10, 2018Integrating Community Level Intimate Partner Violence Prevention in Health Assessments and Community Health Improvement...

Addressing Intimate Partner Violence as a Social Determinant of Health in Clinical Settings
October 10, 2018Addressing Intimate Partner Violence as a Social Determinant of Health in Clinical Settings: this brief shares...

Improving Mental Health Services Integration in Medi-Cal: Strategies for Consideration
June 6, 2017This paper, supported by Blue Shield of California Foundation, describes some of the ...

Advancing Local Healthcare Solutions for California’s Remaining Uninsured
September 14, 2016This paper aims to highlight the opportunity for California's counties to demonstrate leadership in addressing the...