There’s value in sharing insights and ideas along the way. Dig into our blog to read about the impact we’re seeing today, and the ideas that we hope will spark a change that helps move all of our work further forward.

An illustration of a woman (Martha) with her children outside of a safe home

At Blue Shield of California Foundation, we believe that multiple systems are a part of the story of domestic violence, and therefore a part of its prevention. The Downtown Women’s Center in LA , a...

An illustration of a woman carrying a car with her two children in it

At Blue Shield of California Foundation, we believe that multiple systems are a part of the story of domestic violence, and therefore a part of its prevention. The Downtown Women’s Center in LA , a...

A woman stands in a room, holding an infant, while her smaller children cluster around her.

At Blue Shield of California Foundation, we believe that multiple systems are a part of the story of domestic violence, and therefore a part of its prevention. The Downtown Women’s Center in LA , a...

A group attending a workshop claps in unity

The Foundation recently updated its priorities with three new multidisciplinary tracks to turn California into the healthiest state and end domestic violence.

A future without domestic violence can be a reality if we take a two-pronged approach.

Estudio revela diferencias sociales entre californios
By: Foundation staff

El nuevo coronavirus introdujo un sinfín de incertidumbre en nuestras vidas, pero también ha expuesto desigualdades que ya estaban presentes en nuestra sociedad, y, en algunos casos las ha hecho aún más pronunciadas.

Mending California's Great Divide
By: Foundation staff

What determines how a family experiences the wide-ranging social and economic effects of COVID-19? We review current data from our PerryUndem survey.

An illustration that shows scenes from communities of the future
By: Foundation staff

We explore five ways communities of the future can prevent domestic violence.

This article previously appeared in The Chronicle of Philanthropy : A physician notices bruises on a patient during a physical exam. When asked, the patient reveals that she is regularly abused by...