Policy developments help further us on the path to ending domestic violence and making California the healthiest state.

How California's Department of Social Services can better serve survivors
May 20, 2024This report, based on listening sessions with survivors of domestic violence, includes several recommendations for California's Department of Social Services.
States Leverage Medicaid to Address and Prevent Intimate Partner Violence
March 15, 2023Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a public health crisis in California. Among California residents, 35 percent of women...
Addressing Intimate Partner Violence through the CalAIM Population Health Management Program
March 15, 2023Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a widespread, multigenerational problem in California that has dangerous and cascading...
Using California’s Community Health Worker Initiatives to Address Intimate Partner Violence
March 15, 2023Community health workers and promotores (CHWs) are trusted members of communities who leverage their community...
How California’s Community-Based Organizations Filled the Gaps for Underserved Communities: Meeting the Needs of Racially & Ethnically Diverse Communities During the Pandemic
February 14, 2022Since the beginning of the pandemic, community-based organizations (CBOs) across California have stepped up to provide...
The California Experience: Lessons From 20 Years of California’s Paid Family Leave Program
October 21, 2021California’s Paid Family Leave (PFL) program provides millions of California’s with access to paid leave to care for family members, bond with new children, or provide support during a family member’s military deployment. The program, which was initially passed two decades ago, has subsequently been expanded through five other bills aimed at increasing access to and use of the program. As the longest standing PFL program in the nation, the California PFL program provides a unique view into the impacts and effectiveness of PFL legislation. This report hightlights key findings from an analysis of the past two decades of the program.
Using Disadvantage Indices to Guide State Health Equity Efforts: On-the-Ground Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic
September 30, 2021Increasingly, policymakers are exploring how disadvantage indices can help guide efforts to dismantle structural...
Comments on the CalAIM Proposal: Breaking the Cycle of Intimate Partner Violence through Medi-Cal Policy
September 7, 2021This California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) proposal presents an opportunity to improve the health and...

Domestic violence prevention needs support in wake of pandemic isolation
June 14, 2021A future without domestic violence can be a reality if we take a two-pronged approach.
Investing in Health: Seven strategies for states looking to buy health, not just healthcare
February 17, 2021Over the past decade, policy makers and industry leaders have pursued significant changes in the way we deliver and pay...