Root causes
We believe that domestic violence and inequities in health are the result of deep rooted, systemic issues such as racial, gender, and economic inequities. We therefore know that sustainable and long term solutions to these problems need to be addressed directly at the source.

Changing the conversation about domestic violence
October 3, 2022A behind-the-scenes look at our campaign to shift perceptions.
California Study on Violence Experiences Across the Lifespan (CalVEX)
September 14, 2022Reports of violence have increased in California over the past several years, but our reliance on criminal ...

Outrage and Action: Honoring George Floyd’s legacy & dismantling racist systems
June 3, 2020How would our society look different if we responded to racism with the same urgency as COVID-19?

Sustainable Solutions: Debbie Chang on Blue Shield of CA Foundation
May 21, 2020In this interview, Foundation President & CEO Debbie Chang discusses how women can transform public health.

It's all connected, and so are we: a life course perspective
September 24, 2019I get together with a small group of close friends from law school every year. We’ve been friends since before we had...

A Pathway to Prevention: How a life course perspective can help break the cycle of domestic violence
May 7, 2019Recently, I was in Oakland’s Chinatown neighborhood when I heard a couple fighting across the street from me.

Collaborating to End Domestic Violence in Northern California
April 22, 2019This article orignally appeared in Blue Shield of California's Newscenter, ...

Addressing Intimate Partner Violence as a Social Determinant of Health in Clinical Settings
October 10, 2018Addressing Intimate Partner Violence as a Social Determinant of Health in Clinical Settings: this brief shares...

Living in an Immigrant Family in America: How Fear and Toxic Stress Are Affecting Daily Life, Well-Being, & Health
January 12, 2018With the Trump administration pursuing new restrictions on immigration and increased immigration enforcement, the...