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Meeting the Demand for a Healthy California

For the last year, Blue Shield of California Foundation has been closely following the work of the California Future Health Workforce Commission . This group of health, labor and education experts...

Peter Long, Ph.D

Leadership Transition at the Foundation

Partners, Great leaders share their vision, exude integrity, and inspire others to embrace new opportunities that push their limits. Today I am writing to inform you that Dr. Peter Long, President...

Evelyn Dilsaver, Blue Shield of California Foundation Board Chair

2020 Census: The potential undercount of immigrant Americans affects us all

[ Update: Jun 27, 2019 - the U.S. Supreme Court did not approve the addition of the citizenship question to the 2020 Census. ] A fundamental principle of our democracy is that we are all equal; that...

Measuring our Values: How a data strategy can help us achieve our bold goal

A data strategy can help our decision-making, further understanding, and surface opportunities.

Jen Lewis-Walden

Addressing the Root Causes of Domestic Violence with WEAVE

This article originally appeared in Blue Shield of California's News Center . Communities in Sacramento County were faced with a staggering reality – African-American children had disproportionately...

Emily Otani, Blue Shield of California

Announcing a New Funder Collaborative to Advance Gender Justice

This blog originally appeared on Philanthropy California . Philanthropy California is an initiative of Northern California Grantmakers, Southern California Grantmakers, and San Diego Grantmakers. If...

Lucia Corral Peña Surina Khan

2023 year in numbers
$17.8 million awarded
70 grants made