What we're learning from our grantees, staff, and partners.
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#MeToo Should Include Domestic Violence Too; Silence Allows Abuse to Continue
The recent #MeToo campaign demonstrated the power of speaking out against gender-based violence.
A Movement to Modernize Our Health System is Spreading Across California
A movement to modernize our health system is spreading to communities across California.
The Trump Administration's decision to end DACA is an inhumane act that impacts all of us and stymies progress.
Coming Together and Forging Ahead
During a time in which there seems to be a dearth of good news, we have some to share: Californians are working together — and perhaps more diligently and creatively than ever — to support the most...
My husband and I recently became the people to two delightful and raucous puppies. I’ve never before had a dog in my adult life - let alone two - and learning to understand and relate to them has...
Rights, Realities, and Resilience
As I read the news each day, I find new resolve to continue pushing further forward in our mission. I’m also reminded just how much we will have to work together in response to legislative and...