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#EndTheSilence: Guest Blog from Lillian Agbeyegbe

Last month, I found Blue Shield of California Foundation's Domestic Violence Awareness Month campaign that allows interested persons to put their name and picture on an...

Lillian Agbeyegbe

An Underutilized Tool For Foundations—Policy Change

In philanthropy, we are driven by the causes that matter to us and bolstered by the opportunity to generate meaningful change. But how do we actually achieve that change? For years, when I was out in...

Brenda Solórzano


In her brilliant 2009 TED Talk, The Danger of a Single Story, novelist Chimanda Ngozi Adichie cautions against relying on just one story to inform your understanding of another person or country. She...

Marissa Tirona

Words to Live by

" end domestic violence." I read these words often in our mission statement, and frequently share them with policymakers, journalists, grantees, and others. Yet, in my day-to-day work, amidst...

Peter Long, Ph.D.

Progress! A Journey through Adaptive Change

"I began to think bigger, approach things differently, and commit to purposeful exploration beyond my doorstep. I had found my “new normal.” My partner and I were planning our first trip abroad when...

Joycelyn Macbeth

Bridging the Gap Between Behavioral and Primary Health Care for Low-Income Patients

Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community.

2023 year in numbers
$17.8 million awarded
70 grants made