Our Values
We believe it’s possible to improve the lives of all Californians by collaborating with forward-thinking partners who are committed to seeking out the best, most innovative solutions that advance everyone’s well-being.
Brush, Treat, Repeat.
July 6, 2017My husband and I recently became the people to two delightful and raucous puppies. I’ve never before had a dog in my...
Vacation 3.0: Crowdsourcing Solutions for Impact
April 18, 2017A few weeks ago, we celebrated my daughter’s ninth birthday. And it was almost a fiasco. We arrived at a local amusement...
What it means to “Act Now”
February 15, 2017When I joined Blue Shield of California Foundation just over a year ago, I was excited to use my skills and knowledge to...
Together we Stand
December 29, 2016Given the results of the recent election, we don’t yet know what changes we will encounter on the road ahead. What we do...
Learning to go with the flow
December 19, 2016Before the rains came, I was watering my garden and the hose I was using would only spray for a few seconds, and then...
Unity, Ingenuity, and Hope in Havana
September 21, 2016I recently had the opportunity to travel to Cuba for an educational trip with my fellow board members at Grantmakers in...
Thoughts for San Bernardino
December 3, 2015Our hearts go out to the victims, families, and community of San Bernardino. The San Bernardino County Public Health...
Progress! A Journey through Adaptive Change
September 11, 2015"I began to think bigger, approach things differently, and commit to purposeful exploration...
Reflection Season
June 26, 2015This summer marks five years since I first stepped into my role as president and CEO of Blue Shield of California...
Capacity for All
January 7, 2015We have invested heavily in building the capacity of its grantees — not just with a goal of enhancing the operations of...