Our Values
We believe it’s possible to improve the lives of all Californians by collaborating with forward-thinking partners who are committed to seeking out the best, most innovative solutions that advance everyone’s well-being.

Sustainable Solutions: Debbie Chang on Blue Shield of CA Foundation
May 21, 2020In this interview, Foundation President & CEO Debbie Chang discusses how women can transform public health.

Relying on a Spiritual Connection During COVID-19
May 20, 2020As we continue to shelter in place and adjust how we function in our daily lives, I try to stay positive and find the “...

Ethnic media works to end the infodemic
May 6, 2020In March 2020, as part of its COVID-19 Rapid Response grantmaking, the Foundation approved a proposal by Ethnic Media Services (EMS) to deliver 12 timely, science-based COVID-19 telebriefings to ethnic media. Over 320 journalists participated in the first four telebriefings. Sandy Close, EMS director said, “This turnout shows the hunger for culturally-relevant news and information about the pandemic.”

It Wasn’t Supposed to End This Way: Lessons we’ve learned and one we can’t afford to miss
April 16, 2020Raymond Baxter reflects on a year with Blue Shield of California Foundation during the COVID-19 pandemic, capping a career in health.

Our Precious Vote
March 2, 2020(This post was originally published on March 3, 2020, to commemorate the 55th Anniversary of the “Bloody...

Update on "Public Charge" from Foundation leadership
February 5, 2020Earlier this year, a divided United States Supreme Court...

The Year of Taking a Stand
January 28, 2020If I were to pick a theme for 2020, it would be the year of taking a stand. We can say with confidence that our world,...

How the Public Charge Rule Affects All Californians
October 21, 2019While there’s a prevailing sense that immigrants are under assault in today’s political climate, there’s a silver lining in amid the discouraging news.

What "Public Charge" Means for the Health of our Communities
October 15, 2019On Friday, a federal court in New York blocked the Trump Administration’s proposed...

Two Years into Our Journey: Lessons in listening and humility
October 10, 2019What started out two years ago as a simple “strategic plan refresh” quickly became a completely new direction for Blue...