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Recognition & Remembrance

This winter, we lost three incredible allies in the fight to improve access to healthcare for all Americans. Each one of these leaders died too soon, leaving hearts empty and work unfinished. In...

A Wider Lens, a Clearer Picture

Imagine you or a loved one is sick. Your doctor shares some treatment options — all of which are costly or come with significant risks. Do you make a decision based on only one expert's advice? Or...

Laura Blumenthal

The Process of Progress

“Change is the only constant in life, and it is in changing that we find purpose.” –Heraclitus Recently, it seems we’re experiencing more and faster change at every turn. On a national level, new...

Peter Long, Ph.D.

Discovering a Healthy Conversation

I was recently on a run with one of my best friends, whom I’ve known since we were just twelve years old. From visits to our local burrito shop in middle school to hanging out at the pool in high...

Kimberly Weber

#BetheSolution… but how?

For the 1 in 4 women who fall outside the public spotlight, we cannot let them remain invisible.

Bess Bendet

Be the Solution

Last week I was honored to speak at an event hosted by our grantee, Center for the Pacific Asian Family (CPAF). That same week, the media — and our entire country — turned its attention to the issue...

Peter Long, Ph.D.

2023 year in numbers
$17.8 million awarded
70 grants made